TennisboardarrowATP SinglesarrowUgo Humbert

Ugo Humbert's

Ranking 21
FranceUgo Humbert
Ugo HumbertFranceFrance
Date of birthJun 26, 1998
Height188 cm
Weight72 kg

Ranking Changes

Last 20 matches statistic

Ugo Humbert Stats

Wins49% (246/497)For last 20 matchesLooses51% (246/497)For last 20 matchesRecieve wins85% (214/251)For last 20 matchesBreakpoints13% (32/246)For last 20 matches


Previous 200 vs last 20 match of Ugo Humbert

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WinsPrevious 20051% (2377/4663)Previous 2049% (246/497)LoosesPrevious 20049% (2377/4663)Previous 2051% (246/497)Recieve winsPrevious 20081% (1907/2350)Previous 2085% (214/251)BreakpointsPrevious 20020% (470/2313)Previous 2013% (32/246)


Ugo Humbert's Latest Matches






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GamesPrevious 4663Last 497

Win serves

2377 (51%)246 (49%)

Lose serves


Break point conversions

20.32 %13.01 %

Won receiving points

0.81 %0.85 %

About Ugo Humbert

Ugo Humbert is a French national tennis player who's been playing since he was 5 years old. The 23-year-old pro player was born on the 26th of June 1998 in Metz, France. His parents are Eric and Anne, and they love watching him play at the ATP. They are butchers and caters by profession. Ugo is a young and upcoming player who is focused on taking his career to the next level. Join us as we look into details about his love life, network, hobbies and much more.

Below are some facts you should know about this French tennis player:

  • His favourite city on the ATP tour is Paris, France;
  • He loves watching football, and his favourite team is Metz FC;
  • His hobbies are listening to music and playing piano and guitar;
  • He is a secretive person that likes to keep his love life private;
  • According to him, the best tennis player is Roger Federer;
  • He has 7.5k Facebook followers and 48.k followers on Instagram;
  • He moved to Poitier at the age of 12 to start his training with the French Tennis Federation;
  • He weighs 160 lbs, equivalent to 73 KGs; 
  • Ugo is a left-handed, two-handed backhand;
  • His tennis coach is Cedric Raynaud.

Ugo is a brilliant player who has had a passion for tennis since he was only 5 years old. He has excellent skills on the court and is determined to go far. Even though he is still young, he has a career high-ATP single ranking of 42, which he achieved in March 2020.

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