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Kamilla Rakhimova's

Ranking 84
RussiaKamilla Rakhimova
Kamilla RakhimovaRussiaRussia
Date of birthAug 28, 2001

Ranking Changes

Last 20 matches statistic

Kamilla Rakhimova Stats

Wins51% (214/416)For last 20 matchesLooses49% (214/416)For last 20 matchesRecieve wins63% (131/208)For last 20 matchesBreakpoints40% (83/208)For last 20 matches


Previous 200 vs last 20 match of Kamilla Rakhimova

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WinsPrevious 20051% (1982/3923)Previous 2051% (214/416)LoosesPrevious 20049% (1982/3923)Previous 2049% (214/416)Recieve winsPrevious 20064% (1258/1964)Previous 2063% (131/208)BreakpointsPrevious 20037% (724/1959)Previous 2040% (83/208)


Kamilla Rakhimova's Latest Matches






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GamesPrevious 3923Last 416

Win serves

1982 (51%)214 (51%)

Lose serves


Break point conversions

36.96 %39.90 %

Won receiving points

0.64 %0.63 %

About Kamilla Rakhimova

Sofia Kenin was born on 14 November 1998. She is an American pro tennis player and is currently rated No. 4 in the world by the WTA. Additionally, Kenin is the top-ranked American player in women’s singles. 

Sofia is also the WTA Player of the Year, having won the Australian Open in 2020 and finished second in the French Open the following year. She has won five WTA singles titles and two doubles titles, which includes the 2019 China Open with Mattek-Sands at the Premier Mandatory level.

Tennis Influences

Kenin’s childhood idols were Serena Williams and Maria Sharapova. Throughout her career, Sofia’s gameplay evolved from a more passive player as a junior to a more aggressive player as a professional while also increasing her consistency. It’s worth noting that these changes were mostly motivated by her two idols. 

Nowadays, she likes to play from the baseline and has a forehand and backhand that can both hit winners. Consistency is one of Kenin’s strengths, especially when it comes to deflecting shots.

Hobbies and Interests of Kenin 

Sofia has a younger sister, whom she loves playing tennis with. Being passionate about women’s sportswear and fashion, she’s frequently sponsored by some of the biggest brands. Since the completion of the 2018 season, Kenin’s clothes and shoes have been supported by Fila, while Nike has previously been her sponsor. 

In addition to tennis, Sofia is passionate about watching movies, listening to music, and travelling.

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