TennisboardarrowATP DoublesarrowIvan Dodig

Ivan Dodig's

Ranking —
CroatiaIvan Dodig
Ivan DodigCroatiaCroatia
Date of birthJan 2, 1985
Double ranking4
Height183 cm
Weight83 kg

Last 20 matches statistic

Ivan Dodig Stats

Wins55% (210/384)For last 20 matchesLooses45% (210/384)For last 20 matchesRecieve wins83% (160/192)For last 20 matchesBreakpoints26% (50/192)For last 20 matches


Previous 200 vs last 20 match of Ivan Dodig

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WinsPrevious 20053% (2134/4046)Previous 2055% (210/384)LoosesPrevious 20047% (2134/4046)Previous 2045% (210/384)Recieve winsPrevious 20085% (1728/2032)Previous 2083% (160/192)BreakpointsPrevious 20020% (406/2014)Previous 2026% (50/192)


Ivan Dodig's Latest Matches






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GamesPrevious 4046Last 384

Win serves

2134 (53%)210 (55%)

Lose serves


Break point conversions

20.16 %26.04 %

Won receiving points

0.85 %0.83 %

About Ivan Dodig

Belgian tennis professional Elise Mertens was born on November 17, 1995. Playing right-handed, she has remained among the top 15 ranks in both singles, and doubles matches in her career. She achieved the world no. 1 rank in women’s doubles in May 2021, a feat that has left many impressed. 

Mertens has made six singles and thirteen doubles WTA titles to her name till now. Additionally, she has even scored eleven singles and thirteen doubles ITF titles.  

Tennis Influences

Elise was introduced to tennis by her sister Lauren at the age of four. While growing up, she admired Kim Clijsters and Justine Henin, two of the excellent Belgian professional tennis players. So, we can say they kind of influenced her during her tennis practice days. 

Since 2015, Mertens has been training at Kim Clijsters Academy and remains a member here.

Hobbies and Interests of Mertens

Mertens’ father is a furniture maker, while her mother is a teacher. She was home-schooled during her childhood days. Growing up, she enjoyed studying languages and is known to have learnt English, French and Dutch. 

Elise, in an interview, described herself as a quiet person who loved to lead a normal life away from the spotlight. She enjoys her time with her dogs at home which relaxes her immensely. 

Currently, Elise is in an intimate relationship with Robbe Ceyssens. Robbe, who himself was a tennis pro, is now her coach too. She met him in 2015 at the Kim Clijsters Academy, where he coaches. 

She is active on Instagram and is often seen sharing pictures of her tennis routine, puppies, time off with her boyfriend, and many such interesting posts.  

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