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Hailey Baptiste's

Ranking 121
United StatesHailey Baptiste
Hailey BaptisteUnited StatesUSA
Date of birthNov 3, 2001

Ranking Changes

Last 20 matches statistic

Hailey Baptiste Stats

Wins57% (171/299)For last 20 matchesLooses43% (171/299)For last 20 matchesRecieve wins75% (112/149)For last 20 matchesBreakpoints39% (59/150)For last 20 matches


Previous 200 vs last 20 match of Hailey Baptiste

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WinsPrevious 20051% (1339/2646)Previous 2057% (171/299)LoosesPrevious 20049% (1339/2646)Previous 2043% (171/299)Recieve winsPrevious 20069% (921/1333)Previous 2075% (112/149)BreakpointsPrevious 20032% (418/1313)Previous 2039% (59/150)


Hailey Baptiste's Latest Matches






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GamesPrevious 2646Last 299

Win serves

1339 (51%)171 (57%)

Lose serves


Break point conversions

31.84 %39.33 %

Won receiving points

0.69 %0.75 %

About Hailey Baptiste

Misako Doi is a Japanese professional tennis player. Her introduction to tennis took place at six by her parents. Despite having relatively small parameters, she has an aggressive game style and loves playing close to the net. Doi’s highest WTA rankings are 78 in doubles and 30 in singles.

Doi started playing tennis for fun. However, her presence became noticeable when she reached all Japan middle school tennis championships between 2004 and 2006. She also joined ITF Junior Circuit in 2006 before earning second place in the Japan Open Junior Championship. Her junior career reached the peak by attaining seconds in girls’ doubles alongside her age-mate Kurumi Nara at the Wimbledon Championships in 2007.

Doi turned pro at 15, playing various tournaments in Japan. Her gameplays were remarkable, but 2013 was significant as she qualified for all four Grand Slam Tournaments.

Misako was born on April 29, 1991, in Oamishirasato, Chiba, Japan. She is a baby sister to Ryota Doi, a tennis coach who also trained her. Misako idolized Justine Henin growing up as Justin also had a small form and played aggressively. Misako prefers playing on hard courts and uses forehand and serve. Regarding the personal front, currently, Doi is single. 

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