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Felix Corwin's

Ranking 812
United StatesFelix Corwin
Felix CorwinUnited StatesUSA
Date of birthMay 26, 1996

Ranking Changes

Last 20 matches statistic

Felix Corwin Stats

Wins44% (104/239)For last 20 matchesLooses56% (104/239)For last 20 matchesRecieve wins76% (91/120)For last 20 matchesBreakpoints11% (13/119)For last 20 matches


Previous 200 vs last 20 match of Felix Corwin

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WinsPrevious 20044% (104/239)Previous 2044% (104/239)LoosesPrevious 20056% (104/239)Previous 2056% (104/239)Recieve winsPrevious 20076% (91/120)Previous 2076% (91/120)BreakpointsPrevious 20011% (13/119)Previous 2011% (13/119)


Felix Corwin's Latest Matches






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GamesPrevious 239Last 239

Win serves

104 (44%)104 (44%)

Lose serves


Break point conversions

10.92 %10.92 %

Won receiving points

0.76 %0.76 %

About Felix Corwin

Felix Corwin is an American professional tennis player. He is different from most other players in choosing to go through school first before turning professional. During his time at school, Felix continued to play various tennis matches. He mostly played local games but could occasionally travel to play Winter National, Kalamazoo, and Easter Bowl. He was top 10 in his class, making him one of the most looked at players.

He won matches over Mikael Torpegaard, a top tennis player in Ohio. This, among other wins, made Felix 40th place in the singles and 10 in doubles. In 2018, Corwin started playing tennis as a professional career. A year later, he played multiple futures and challengers, won some, and lost others.

Corwin has a career-high ranking of 504. He is still playing futures and challengers but hopes to feature in Grand Slams soon. 

Regarding personal life, Felix grew up in the Midwest but is currently located in Wisconsin. As a Brookfield East High School student, Felix became one of the high sort recruits for his upside and athleticism.

He used his time at college to improve his skills. Felix describes his time at the University of Minnesota as a time he prepared himself for professional tennis. He believes he was not mentally ready to go pro after high school and agreed with his parents to go through college before turning pro. With the help of Coach Geoff Young, Felix is now one of the top-notch players. There is no proof Felix is in a relationship. 

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