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Felix Auger-Aliassime's

Ranking 30
CanadaFelix Auger-Aliassime
Felix Auger-AliassimeCanadaCanada
Date of birthAug 8, 2000
Height191 cm
Weight84 kg

Ranking Changes

Last 20 matches statistic

Felix Auger-Aliassime Stats

Wins53% (213/403)For last 20 matchesLooses47% (213/403)For last 20 matchesRecieve wins85% (170/201)For last 20 matchesBreakpoints21% (43/202)For last 20 matches


Previous 200 vs last 20 match of Felix Auger-Aliassime

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WinsPrevious 20051% (2229/4351)Previous 2053% (213/403)LoosesPrevious 20049% (2229/4351)Previous 2047% (213/403)Recieve winsPrevious 20083% (1827/2193)Previous 2085% (170/201)BreakpointsPrevious 20019% (402/2158)Previous 2021% (43/202)


Felix Auger-Aliassime's Latest Matches






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GamesPrevious 4351Last 403

Win serves

2229 (51%)213 (53%)

Lose serves


Break point conversions

18.63 %21.29 %

Won receiving points

0.83 %0.85 %

About Felix Auger-Aliassime

American tennis player Jessica Pegula was born on February 24 1994, in Buffalo, New York, USA. She began her professional tennis career in August 2011. As of June 2021, she holds a singles career-high rank of 25 in the world. 

Tennis Influences

Jessica was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. She is the daughter of Kim and Terry Pegula. Although she is an American citizen, she holds a mixed ethnicity of Korean descent from her mother's side.

Her parents are both American business persons who own Pegula Sports and Entertainment. This company, in turn, owns Buffalo Sabres of the National Hockey League (NHL) and the Buffalo Bills of the National Football League (NFL).

Jessica started playing tennis when she was seven years old. Her parents made sure she received top-class training in tennis to make her an excellent player.

Hobbies and Interests of Pegula

Jessica's off-court fascinations are more of business pursuits that started during the break from her tennis career. She went through a bunch of surgeries, including ankle, knee and hip. Due to this, there was a setback in her tennis career for a particular duration. During this period, she developed and launched a skincare line of her own known as Ready 24. 

Further, she even teamed up with her younger sister, Kelly, to launch a restaurant known as Healthy Scratch. It is said that Jessica is involved in all her businesses with heart and soul, rather than just giving them her recognition. 

She has been dating Taylor Gahagen, a senior investment analyst, since 2015. If some rumours are to be believed, the duo also got engaged in 2021.

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