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Anna Blinkova's

Ranking 50
RussiaAnna Blinkova
Anna BlinkovaRussiaRussia
Date of birthSep 10, 1998
Height179 cm
Weight70 kg

Ranking Changes

Last 20 matches statistic

Anna Blinkova Stats

Wins53% (210/397)For last 20 matchesLooses47% (210/397)For last 20 matchesRecieve wins69% (136/197)For last 20 matchesBreakpoints37% (74/200)For last 20 matches


Previous 200 vs last 20 match of Anna Blinkova

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WinsPrevious 20049% (1819/3719)Previous 2053% (210/397)LoosesPrevious 20051% (1819/3719)Previous 2047% (210/397)Recieve winsPrevious 20063% (1164/1852)Previous 2069% (136/197)BreakpointsPrevious 20035% (655/1867)Previous 2037% (74/200)


Anna Blinkova's Latest Matches






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GamesPrevious 3719Last 397

Win serves

1819 (49%)210 (53%)

Lose serves


Break point conversions

35.08 %37.00 %

Won receiving points

0.63 %0.69 %

About Anna Blinkova

Claire Liu is the new generation tennis ace from America. She was born on 25 May 2000 in Thousand Oaks, California.

She has grabbed 6 singles and 1 doubles ITF title till now. In 2017, she had junior rankings of the world no.1. This was a direct influence from her win in the Wimbledon girls’ singles and runner-up at the French Open. 

Since she turned pro, she managed to reach a world no. 92 ranking in September 2021. This is the best of her professional career till now. 

Tennis Influences 

We could say it was her parents who influenced her tennis career. Her parents joined a recreational league where they took tennis lessons. Meanwhile, their daughter used to play racquet in their living room. 

Claire was very young when she started playing tennis. At the age of 5, her dad began giving her first lessons in this sport. He realised her capabilities at that age. Hence, he decided to give her proper training through a professional coach.

However, she says that her parents and coach never pressured her into decisions against her will. Instead, they gave her space and let her decide things for herself. 

Hobbies and Interests of Liu

Liu is an avid reader. She loves to read various books that could help her lead to success in this field. 

When at home, she just chills with her family. She also has a 2-year-old German Shepherd who plays with tennis balls. Other than that, she claims, there is no trace of tennis at her home. 

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